A virtual interview with B.H. Clendennen’s on his thoughts about the message presented in the Passion of the Christ motion picture
The following responses are simply quotes taken from Voice of Victory Magazine, Fall 2003 issue pages 10 & 11. “The Naked Cross” by: B.H. Clendennen
Goodmorning Brother Clendennen, you may not have actually seen the Passion of the Christ yet but I hope that you will see it. I have a few questions for you regarding what some people might call the shocking vulgarity and brutal blood bath and torture associated with the crucifixtion of our Lord Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Passion of the Christ. Brother Clendennen, what would you say to those who object to the violence and blood seen in this epic motion picture?
Bro. Clendennen: (thank you brother, yes I do have a number of things to say about this subject, let me remind you of just a few of my comments regarding the blood covered cross...)
The modernist says our Gospel of the BLOOD OF THE CROSS is inspired by pagan blood sacrifices and altars. It is the other way around....Because they (the pagans) did not like to look at the ugly spectacle of the blood-soaked altar, they plant trees around them to lessen the severity.” (so as to make it more palatable and less offensive, more civil and circumspect)
Campbell Morgan said “There are people who look upon THE CROSS OF CHRIST AS VULGAR ” I agree – IT IS THE MOST VULGAR OBJECT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. But whose vulgarity? Not that of God’s Son who gave HIS BLOOD TO WASH AWAY OUR SIN.” It is the vulgarity of those who nailed Him there, who blasphemously deny its necessity. It is the vulgarity of those who still by Bible criticism make light of sin.”
Wow, brother Clendennen, that is pretty strong stuff there...it sounds like you are saying that what people are seeing in the motion picture of the PASSION OF THE CHRIST is something that Bible preachers, teachers and evangelists should be talking about...it sounds like you would advocate the preaching of the bloody sacrificial death of Jesus Christ to sinners in the Church and in the world is that true?
(Yes brother, I need to say that...) “Sacrifice is awful....(but never-the-less)
“The CROSS must be our only appeal. The CROSS ITSELF MUST BE THE ONLY ATTRACTION.”
“The Holy Ghost will honor faith and the simple proclamation of the NAKED TRUTH THAT JESUS SAVES THROUGH THE BLOOD OF HIS CROSS.”
“The nearer we get to the splendor of the naked CROSS, the more the glory of the Lord surrounds us. We are happy to preach it and SINNERS ARE MOVED BY THE SIMPLICITY of this unadorned Gospel. No earthly or natural beauty must ease the SEVERITY OR THE TRAGEDY OF INNOCENT DEATH”
Well brother Clendenned it sounds to me like you would then have to give your approval to the portrayal of Christ crucified as it is portrayed in the Motion picture The Passion of the Christ. I need to ask you though, what would you say to those preachers who want to attack and critisize a film that is so violent, bloody and brutal?
Well, brother let me say.....“ The GREAT SIN of today is: we have relegated the CROSS to a secondary place, planning attractive introductions to its severity. We cannot use the CROSS as a lucky charm. Many wear a cross of gold – using that which is to destroy “self” as a means to attract attention to self.....There must be no scented paths to the CROSS."
Brother Clendennen, I need to ask you a sensetive question, did you know that some are reporting that one of the actors in this motion picture has a sordid past in.....pornography? What do you think Jesus would say about that perverted, wicked sinner having a part in this picture?
That is an intersting question brother, let me remind you and all of those self-righteous folks of something...
"That which came nearest the CROSS at Calvary was sin and thieves.”
(That is right brother!)
“Only Jesus and sin were there. (at the CROSS)
Murder (was at the CROSS)
Rejection (was at the CROSS)
Betrayal (was at the CROSS)
Unbelief.” (was at the CROSS)
(Let us not forget that PORN was at the cross to...don’t forget that Jesus was naked...He was totally surrounded by sin and sinners)
"That is the position we are in today. There is nothing in this world but sin and Jesus. Thank God there is Christ. It is the same in the church – nothing but Jesus and sin. Sin is everywhere. It is in Christ, not ourselves that we have hope. There is still enough weight of sin upon you and me to carry us to a lost eternity, but thank God, Christ died for sin. Church, we must ever beware of things which seem to indicate a halfway house between sin and the Savior.”
What about people who witness the punishment that Jesus endures in the Passion of the Christ, do you think that it is possible that people might actually come under conviction of sin as they witness the cruel beatings that Christ endured on their behalf? Is it necessary that these unsaved people, who may have been witnessed to by family members or coworkers or campus preachers, have someone right at their side to explain to them that certain elements of the Passion of the Christ are not actually found in the Holy Bible?
Yes brother, I have much to say on this subject: "We must beware of the honey of sweet sentiment and outer embellishment.(gold crosses, etc..) There must be no effeminate sentiment influencing our services or messages.”
“Lilac and rose trees, sweet-scented sin, to hide the naked SPLEDOR OF THE CROSS.”
“Only one is good. We are all sinners. Christ is our only center.”
“There must be no additions of any sort to aid the work of the CROSS.”
“It is not what will draw, but who will draw. He says, “I will draw, unto me.” Not unto us; not a building, not an organization, but “unto me.”
“We must preach a person – not a policy or principle, but a person.
Not a movement, but a Master. Not a creed, but the Christ.
Not a system, but a Savior.”
Salvation is God’s work unaided.
Who are we that can add one iota to God’s plan of salvation by sacrifice?...there must be no addition of the human to the plan of God.
We must learn that it is ONLY THE CROSS THAT SAVES,
“Calvary is not sloppiness, not mere sentiment.
There must be no honey in the offering – honey is too sweet to the natural to be considered a sacrifice.”
Your teaching on the cross sounds pretty clear brother Clendennen, do you have anything else you would like to add to the comments you have made today?
“ May God help the Church to tear away the groves, decorations, and tapestries around the CROSS, that the world may see that it was not the Romans that crucified Him – it was our sins....Let us make no avenues of sweet music to the CROSS. We must without sentiment. Worldliness. Ritual, decoration, corruption, imitation, and furbishing of the CROSS.”
“Salvation is not parties and frolic. It is repentance and faith in THE FINISHED WORK OF CALVARY.”
Thank you for your comments Brother Clendennen...may God bless you richly and I hope that you will see the Passion of the Christ.
All quotes for this virtual interview were taken from Voice of Victory, Fall 2003 issue pages 10 & 11.
“The Naked Cross” by: B.H. Clendennen